Friday, May 8, 2009

Limit of Knowledge to Acquire:

Knowledge is power and it’s the one of the good tools that helps a person to live and survive the world. So we gather knowledge from our child hood. We gather knowledge in form of book in the class room, we gather knowledge from society, our family as the practical knowledge form. The knowledge helps us to identify our problems, to solve our problem. It makes life easier. Having knowledge is not the problem or does not have any knowledge is also not a problem. Because any one can acquire knowledge if he dose not have.
Problem is the less knowledge or not enough knowledge. It causes the problems. In practical life we can observe in support of this statement. So, question arises how much should a people learn?
I think this question is also a object of the knowledge. To find out this limit of knowledge is also very important.
Wise man says when a person learned enough to know that he doesn’t know anything should be the limit of acquiring knowledge.
In other word we can say object of knowledge is to realize one self that he knows nothing.