BABU- saved almost 90 people from tragic “RANAPLAZA” incidence in Savar, Dhaka Bangladesh, and Died of psychological disorder today.
On the day tragedy occurred; In the morning when Babu got up from bed was not feeling very well. Last night he could not able to sleep well. A nightmare was hunting him very badly. He saw he was running from a fire for saving his life. It was so hurting that it became difficult to forget.
He is from a village in Bangladesh of a very poor financial back ground. He came to Dhaka for finding out his livelihood. Although he could able to get a job; from his earning he could barely mange his daily life. Still from that income he conducted his sister marriage last year but his brother in law demands more money from poor Babu. But from where he can give more money? He has to marry himself yet. He came with a dream that there will be no poverty, no night mare, ,no tear in sister’s eyes but suddenly in one morning he rise up from sleep with the night mare.
After getting fresh he went for job and feeling very clumsy in his office building. After few minutes his employer asked him to go market and buy some yards of clothe necessary for work. He went market and bought clothe and return after 3 hours.
When he was near to his office building he found nothing. His office building is gone. The wrecks and parts of broken buildings are surrounded in the area here and there. Besides standing near the destruction many people are watching what is happening inside. The shouting and cries for help were coming out side from the building. He rushed in to the building with no loss of time. He has got the torch of a NOKIA-1100 model mobile phone set with him. He saved 30 peoples life on the day. Over all he saved almost 90 injured people to come out from the destroyed building. Alas! He became very weak and sick to do so. Today the hero Babu died of psychological disorder.
What else can we do without mourns and cry for life of the hero? Alas Bangladesh lost a hero. My regrets to his life and proud for the humanity he could able to show this world. Salute to you BABU. Salute to Humanity.
Written by
Sahriar Ahamed
Cell: +01834529357
35/E, 2/1, shah ali bagh, Mirpur-1,
Dhaka, Bangladesh