Friday, December 27, 2013

Identification of Nature speed=NS(assumed)-value of N

Value of N i.e speed of nature which I had mentioned previously as infinity or that is less than “0” or more than “9”. Now there is some more analysis on infinite things. Actually mathematically less than 0 values are the negative value and more than 9 values are positive value. But theoretically negative value and positive value are nothing but a direction. Negative value refers to a direction and positive value is a direction completely opposite to the negative value. These two values go the complete opposite directions of each other or to the path of completely different way but in one point they touch each other. Where negative value and positive value gets end and this equilibrium point is “0”. Less than 0 counts as negative and more than 0 counts positive... Theoretically there is the thing where negative and positive thing get end. In other word we can say infinite things ends at the value of “0”. So we can assume that nature speed is not “0” as this is the point where infinite things comes to an end. So what is the natural speed?? Towards negative direction or towards the positive direction or from negative to positive or positive to negative directions. So there is the point where starts the negative and positive both. The starting point identification is the solution to our probable time travel theory that I think at this moment. Problem and barrier to this identification is weather the starting point lies in positive or negative direction. We can assume the thing in this case. Let’s assume that the direction starts from positive direction towards negative direction. Now an infinite positive starting point should get identified. That should be a numerical value. Now this theory is also getting a barrier of unlimited value of positive numerical numbers which can be anything. Now we can search for help of other’s theory discovered by previous scientists. Such as Mr. Albert Einstein. Theory of relativity. Basic of theory is that everything is related or compared. So natural speed direction can also be compared with any other speed direction. Now definition of natural speed can be assumed as the time speed which is including every particles of nature created things. Now we will see the theory of possibility as,” Negative direction is the past history that had already happened and positive direction is the future that is going to happen and which is absolute or already fixed. When this two things gets together it becomes “0” Which is the present or the current incidences those are happening in front of us. Which is very small period of time. So at the speed of “0” we can see the present and current incidences in front of our eyes.” So in other way we can say when the nature speed becomes unlimited but positive; the future incidences will be found. When the nature’s unlimited speed becomes negative we may experiences the past incidences and when the nature speed becomes “0” we are experiencing the very few space allotted for the present time or current incidences.Now we can make a theory of nature speed NS=Unlimited or Alpha. When value of Alpha=0 (We are in the present) When Alpha= +positive(We are in the future) When Alpha=-Negative(We are in the past)...…. Sahriar Ahamed,, Cell: 01834529357. Bangladesh. . ..

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Travelling through time

...for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one"........Albert Einstein./ Time has to define first if we want to travel through time. But before defining time we have to know and analysis the nature of time. Think of yourself, yesterday you were traveling with time as same you are today with a little bit of changes in physical figure. Tomorrow you will again travel with time. So do I and all. Everything and people are traveling through time before they are born as a drop of a blood in his/her parents body and as the material with dust of the earth after they die and in a living body when they are in life. So human had already traveled through time at the speed of nature.. A man at the age of 30 years means, he traveled through time as a living human in the earth for 30 years of time at natural speed. When he had born in the earth and he traveled with his body and with other material intact. So it is possible to travel time without changing the material shape and physical formation. Which we are observing every moment. This time travel is happening with the speed of natural speed as we have mentioned earlier. Natural speed is the factor over here. Now if we assume that the speed of nature is=“NS” then we have to determine the natural speed first. Here N=speed of nature (assumptions) If we take a look at the previous scientific analysis then we may see that the each and every natural particle has its own speed limit. Among them the light has the maximum speed. If you figure out the particles existence we may see the particles are unlimited in nature. The whole earth,, the sun,, the moon, all solar system and total universe is containing unlimited of particles and all are traveling through time with their own speed. These particles have their own speed. So there is another speed in which time is running. We may assume the speed as the universal/natural speed. Assume the universal/nature speed =N. As the natural particles are unlimited, the speed of particles are also unlimited so we may assume that the natural speed is also unlimited which means N=unlimited. Or we may symbolized it as Greek alphabet gamma (value of gamma=less than” 0” or more than “9”). So time speed depends on the finding of speed of nature we can take it granted at this moment. Not only that the thing that is not known to us at this moment; value of time lies in that unknown thing which is yet to revel in front of people of the earth as a thing which will be known as the “Knowing Knowledge “to the humanity and what I think that god almighty’s nature is here with us to let us know ……”WHICH WE KNEW NOT….”. Sahriar Ahamed,, Cell: 01834529357. Bangladesh. . ..