Monday, November 10, 2014

Algorithm of time

Time is the thing up on which everything in this universe is plotting in a particular manner. This is the first significant of time discovered by Mr. Albert Einstein. If we go in to some more depth we may see or find out an algorithm of time. Here the meaning of algorithm is a set of functions; by sorting out these we may come to a sound definition of time which are:(1)SPEED RELATED: Time has a speed and the speed is >9(greater than nine) but not infinite, time runs at the same speed from the beginning source to the end of its length(we may say the speed as natural speed), time starts from future and going through to past,(Although we make confuse and often think we are coming from our past) The thing will happen tomorrow ;actually had happened years (may be millions) ago by the term of origin of time; at the start point of time is as big as a seed of a grain, (2)VALUE of SPEED: The speed of time flow can be measured at any point of its course, If we count to direction wise; present value of time=0, past is= negative value and future= with positive value, we and the life of universe is experiencing the practical world when the speed of time becomes “0” zero. That means everything in the time is stopped here. Think when we journey by a train, what happens? We passengers seat and staying in one place and train runs to destiny. The same thing exactly happens with time and with the material inside the time. In a running train the passengers and luggage’s are kept in their place they have some certain things to do among the running train. Passengers can walk through the lobby, can go to canteen etc. Same thing happens with time too. We are passengers of time which is running, everything and material are as plotted as luggage’s. They can move with some restrictions and travelling to far away. When the train comes to a platform the speed becomes zero and we can experiences the world again. Thus when the time is on a platform, the speed is zero and we experience the current world. Thus we may call the universe that we are watching and enjoying is actually a platform where the speed of time becomes zero. If we go through all the holy books from heaven and all theories of the great scientist, the logic may find in my algorithm of time. Sahriar Ahamed,, cell:+08801834529357, Bangladesh.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Is it time to say good bye to 3rd Generation????

Ever since the generation started to form as a civilization among the human society; it kept remain very interesting to know who the 1st generation are. What did they do in the earth? Who were the stars of 1st generation? Some might feel curiosity how were the stars in attitude, process of their work etc while they alive. It’s very often that I use to feel about the generations stars. From my point of view the first generations were the philosophers. They use to think about everything around us those we can see and those we don’t around us. Some stars of first generation we know by as Soraties, Plato, Aristotle. Nature/creator had chosen them to lead the first generation. They worked on formation of civilization. They gave the idea on foundation of civilization. Nature made human to practice those ideas and implemented the positives things to build up the human society. Briefly we can say the first generation worked on the topics “To Think”. With it they sort out the job and plan for the next generation or the 2nd generation. So the philosopher’s job was to give idea of civilizations, how they can form and many other things by the process of thinking. Also they had to assign the job for the 2nd generation. 2nd generation job was one step beyond the job of 1st generation; “More To Do” hence the 2nd generation job became “To Think Who You Are” Thus creator or nature made the 2nd generation work with the idea “To Think Who You Are” and people started to know thy selves. Human found the almighty the creator in this stage of civilization. Those with positive mind frame started to love creator and his creation, became the prophets and religious people. They have founded many more about the creation and creators. Many ideas thought had been introduced throughout the 2nd generation time period. Social structures, knowledge, kingdom, event had been occurred during this time. There are many examples we may find in historical books and oral story amongst us on different type of civilization/ruling community/archeological formations etc whatever of our problems are. The 2nd generation established many more examples by which human can learn as their will. The civilization got more solid platform. It became easier to implement some rules and regulation for forming of a great nation/society/country. 2nd generation come to an end when the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sm came in the earth. He was the last representator of 2nd generation. The first message served to him was; ”Read in the name of thy lord who created you from a drop of a blood….” So this is the evidence by which we can get the information as that, (1) 2nd generation is ended or dooms day of 2nd generation had happened. (2) The job of 3rd generation is to “Read in the name of Creator who created us”. So what we observed after the end of 2nd generation that human civilization started to read and write as the practice of natural rules and regulation. Many scientists, novelists, writers, playmakers, singers, actors, politicians, doctors, engineers, pilots, astronauts etc. professionals had been sent in the world as and when necessary for forming of the human civilizations. And at present this moment the situation stands as above discussed way. There are many streams and ways are possible. As we know that Nature or creator is alone as mentioned by 2nd generation; ultimate goal of the civilization and life and everything will be going to be converted in to one thing. Which is actually all alone. How the conversion will take place? The up gradations and conversion will be the process each and every material will be upgraded as time changes. Nature will give us the necessary and necessity when we are needed the things as and on when required. This is already proven truth no doubt on it. Before 30 years no one can even think a Pentium processor4 will be the thing which is more developed product and accessories. Now pentium4 is back dated obsolete item. No one is going to use it now. We have the core-I processor in our hand. The artificial chips will be coming biological chips and natural chips. The IC we are using in our electronic products at this moment; are created from silicon and other material. So conversion will become so perfect that we will be making perfect product soon. And those perfect products will act same as the natural chips or IC as they are now. Such as the IC is made from silicon. Future ICs the leaves of trees, fins of dolphins, organs of natural things every thing we see are the IC of nature .So the modernized and integration will be a continue process until unless everything became as one thing. By sahriar ahamed;; cell:+08801834529357

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Time =2 category ; not 3

Think about something that is flowing. Time is same as such thing. The value of present=0 which means there is no such thing we know as present. Actually if we see deep in; the moment we are experiencing in a moment it becomes past. The holy book as Al-Quran, The Bible, The Torah every book of heaven is the witness that the current world i.e current time has no value. All holy books have given indication that we have to think about our past because there is a future is coming. Present has no such value, nor will it be valuable in future too. So we can take it granted that actually time is divided in to 2(Two) parts. PAST & FUTURE. Although we live in present that we think but actually fact is that we are coming from future and going towards past. The thing we know as present is with the value of “0” only. Now we have to figure out how long the past had gone. This measurement is the accurate age of creation. If we assume the universe is 2 billions of years that means the time is long enough as much as 2 billions of years. The time is running with the same speed that we are experiencing every moment and it’s containing each and every material, nonmaterial, visible & invisible material in the space and out of the space. It’s possible to make separate the materials and non-practical things in different manner. Same we do to refine the crude oil to kerosene, petrol or octane. By: Sahriar ahamed; Khgulna, Bangladesh, Cell:+01834529357

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Time definition part-2

In the previous article, I discussed on definition of time. The definition is objected so that it’s possible to travel the time. Actually there are much more we can analyze on time. Think time is a wave or a current of river or stream or anything as such that is flowing from a starting point and going to a certain goal or target or direction that is already set-up. Now we do one thing put the time wave on a graph paper. Now what are the things we getting? A) A curve line drawn on a graph paper. B) This line has negative, positive and zero value, C) Speed of Present= 0(Zero), Speed of Future= +(Positive), Speed of Past= - (Negative), D) In practical the curved line has no width or breath. It has only the length which is not possible to see if it is drawn because any drawn line that is visible has a micro or a minimum width that’s the reason they are visible.. So if you assume that whole universe is a part of curve-lined time flow, will not be wrong either. E) All the elements and materials of this universe are part of curved line time flow. F) This material and elements are plotted in a particular nature/way of their own in this time flow. G) At the natural speed it is possible to travel time intact the shape of a form of material and products or things. Thanking you,, cell: +01834529357, Sahriar Ahamed, Bangladesh.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Defining the definition of speed of time

As we discuss earlier to travel the time is needed to be defining first. Most of the case we may see that people do not know the definition of the thing. Even the scientist, professors, PHD holders are failed to define the thing in proper way. One thing and there are many definitions; is a very common scene. If we seek the definition of the sun, we may find out many definitions will come. Sun is one thing and there should be one definition of sun but in practical there are several definitions can be found about sun. Intelligent people study several definitions to understand the sun properly. As people are not same and they do not see in the same view; so the definition varies. In this case what we can do is collecting the definitions as much as possible and characteristics of time which may help to identify time. As we observed that nature teaches us whatever we want to know and naturally time is compared with tide or in other way we can say time is a type of wave. There are 3 (Three) kinds of time as we knew; those are past-present-future. Another important thing we have to keep in mind is speed of time which is not known; although there is an idea that “By going at the speed of light; it’s possible to travel time”- but the theory is not proved yet. Because the thing goes at the speed of light becomes energy only and not a material at all. Thus is not possible to travel for any man or material going at the speed of light. Well we may see the practical such as today as we are, yesterday was might not be the same as today and nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. But did we notice that already we had travel through time? From yesterday we came today and tomorrow we will go into future too. As we traveled time naturally, means we are traveling time at the speed of nature. So if we can identify the speed of nature and means by which we are traveling time each second, minute, hour, day and years; it might possible for us how and which means we have to adopt for traveling the time. Well think of a graph paper. There is a positive and negative value of a straight or curved line if we draw up on a graph paper. Think about a wave or the current or stream and if we put it on the graph paper. The negative, positive and zero value will be certainly determined. If we determine the future as the positive value than the past is the negative value and the zero can be determined as the present value. Because if we calculate and research we may see that there is nothing remains which we can say as the present. Whenever it happened it became past; a fraction of time is past after it is happened. Present remains never it is getting the past every time and future is coming at once with in no time. So the value of present is=0. So natural speed is such that we can valued as present=0 in case of speed of time. Now source of time where it grows and coming towards the past through a gate way is a nature of time and natural speed of time; so nature of natural speed is arising in some sort of source coming through a gate way which we are witnessing as practical life in the world. We and everything are the elements and part of this time wave. Well…. what I think that we have to think of the thought of great thoughts and people. Not only that we have to contribute something for the world too. Sahriar Ahamed, Cell: +01834529357; e-mail: